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Grow Organically

21 Webs’ digital strategy is designed as per your measure of success. For accomplishing these goals, we leverage a combination of our technical and creative prowess. We cover the full funnel of marketing from awareness to conversion, ensuring that your prospective customers get the right message at the appropriate time. We boost our client’s organic SEO results with strategies that outlast algorithm updates and create exposure for your brand and business. Our expertise in organic search, content creation in sync with the latest Google Algorithms is optimised for high-value ranking.

Gow Organically Image

How it works?

Learn how our full spectrum of SEO services will transform your online visibility and deliver results
Strategy Icon
Our strategy has a single-minded focus on bringing people closer to your brand. It takes your brand out of digital darkness and places your business in front of the audience, searching for you.
Progress Icon

We analyse your industry, curate optimal keywords for success, and generate content that brings your business at the forefront of topics related to your business objectives. Our sustainable approach aims to make a difference in your performance, reputation, and profits of your business.

Report Icon
Our powerful results speak, and our reporting brings the complexities of our efforts into your notice in an easy to understand way. We explain how keyword research, on-site and off-site optimisation, content creation, and syndication are bringing a positive impact on your business.
Growth Icon
We see search as an integral part of the consumer journey and create a data-rich strategy that builds a productive marketing ecosystem for you. It not only propels your business into a high growth trajectory, but it also brings strong brand loyalty in your customers.

SEO Strategy

Our reputation as SEO experts in Darwin, we know that the constantly updated algorithms require a strategically build website. It helps major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo understand your website and brings it to the top of the result page. Our strategy delivers the highest long-term return on investment for you. With our SEO strategy, we adopt a multidisciplinary approach that ensures high visibility of your digital properties.

As Darwin’s SEO experts, 21 Webs maximizes your exposure in Google. With its evolving algorithm, our approach aims to increase visibility in secondary search engines and includes voice-activated and text-activated agents. Our user-centric SEO approach focuses on understanding users and their search patterns. We endeavor to meet their needs by prominent exposure to relevant brand content.

21 Webs’ SEO strategies are about crafting beautifully useful marketing, experiences, and digital presence that grow businesses.

SEO Strategy
Content Marketing

Content SEO Marketing

21 Webs understand the mission-critical value of strong content that conveys the marketing message consistently and compellingly. We create a prologue for the content that is data-driven, customer-centric, and the epilogue results in driving business success. Our powerful storytelling and narratives bring the users to the centre of the cultural storms. Our content will bring lasting connections between consumers and brands. We consider content creation a craft of finding beauty in data and inspiration in insights. It is a craft that weaves together language, technology, and intent and markets your brand. We bring digital success to you through authority, relevancy, and technical optimization.

Ongoing SEO Maintenance

What are we trying to accomplish, and how do we make it happen? At 21 Webs, we appreciate that SEO is a regular activity that is essential for a business and not a one-off exercise. We synthesizer consumers, markets, and competitive intelligence into a creative SEO strategy that illuminates breakthrough insights to drive results. Our dynamic and consistent SEO strategy vastly improves your online presence, and we ensure that it remains in sync with Google’s algorithm updates. This approach is promising, yet complicated as it demands new ways of thinking and strategies. With 21 Webs, you are assured of consistent SEO Maintenance that aims to deliver superior results across all marketing metrics.

Our Proud

Offering SEO Service for our existing business clients. We help to rank organically.

Palates of India Logo
Everest Loans (1)
TrueTax Bw Logo
GNT Migration
Adkal Ethio Logo
Yes Care
Derrimut Cleaning Services (1)
MaxMargin Accountants BW Logo
Smart Mortgage Brokers
Rock Manager
Creative Wood Working Logo
Gentle Psychology BW Logo
Time 4 Solar
Green Analytics
Swift Glass Logo
Optimal Care Australia Logo
Royale Curries Logo
AVW Group
Melbourne Spectrum Painting
Plumb Medic (1)
One Solution
AMS Security


Learn more about SEO & why it is important.

The Internet is an extremely competitive space, and we at 21 Webs understand it like no other. There are millions of websites looking to grab the eyeballs of the visitors. So, how do you differentiate and catch their attention and get found? Its SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation that does it for you. It is the way how we enhance your website’s presence on the Internet and encourage the search engines to rank it well above the rest (more often on the first page of the search engine results page). We target the users for the phrases that you’re your audience will search on the Internet. To know how SEO works, it is better to understand the working of the search engine. 

21 Webs can help you and your website with the following, but not limited to;

Site audit for improvements
Keyword research
Content generation
On-page SEO
Off-page SEO
Performance improvements
HTML and site structure improvements
Link building
Social media integration

SEO can be the best investment you can make for performance improvements in the long run. It is an essential component of any marketing strategy to improve your website’s performance on the search engine. It generates more traffic and leads to conversion and eventually more business. 

We start by making a more-in-depth analysis of your website to understand the technicalities. There are two focus areas for us here. One is on-page SEO, and the other is off-page SEO. On-page involves everything within the source code of the website, and in off-page SE, we consider factors outside your website that contribute to improvements in search engine rankings. 

We address the technical issues like broken links, duplicate content, or other complicated issues that may affect your site’s ranking. The external agents for off-page SEO are also considered and improved here. 

Once all this is in place, we start with keyword research.

Keyword research remains a blueprint for all your digital marketing initiatives. It should ideally drive every decision that we make. It makes marketing more efficient. It is merely the process of finding and analysing the search terms that people use on the search engine and are relevant to your business. It is a valuable insight that frames the content strategy and the overall digital marketing efforts. 

The primary purpose of keyword research is to look for the average monthly search volumes on particular keywords. From SEO perspective, it makes sense to focus on high volume search keywords. It quickly brings more visitors to your page by ranking you higher on the search page. 

With keyword research, you develop a better understanding of your target customers and the ways your users search for your content or your business. 

Keyword research provides an answer to these vital questions like:

What are people searching for on the search engine?
number of searches made by people?
What is their preferred format for consuming the information? 

Link building involves getting the hyperlinks from other authority websites to your own. Hyperlinks navigate the users from one page to another on the Internet. It is a search engine optimization technique that leads to higher rankings on the search engine result page. It is one of the primary ways for search engine algorithms to recognize the relevance of the page. When there are a good number of links to a website, it is an indication of the relevancy of the content. It increases visibility for your website. It also helps the search engines to crawl your website. 

The factors that we consider while deciding the links are:

Popularity –Local and global
Anchor text
Link context
Link source

There can be many techniques for building links, and it varies in difficulty levels as well. For SEO, link building remains the most challenging aspect of the job. The majority of the time and efforts go into it. 

There are only two ways how you develop links to your website: internal and external. Getting the external links is challenging as it comes from other websites; however, internal linking is comparatively more straightforward. Then is deep linking that refers to linking to pages other than your homepage or contact page. Here every page of the website should be reachable with at least one external link. When you maintain a blog, it helps in increasing the internal links. It provides more opportunities for you to link back to specific internal pages. 

Our linking building exercise is specifically customized, keeping in mind your business, your target market, and your business objectives. 

Many SEO agencies focus only on a few keywords and consider the task to be complete. We at 21 Webs, on the contrary, maintain our approach to be result oriented. In simple terms, it means that our campaigns are result oriented that leads to better deliverables in terms of website visibility, traffic, and significant growth in conversions.

We begin our campaign by thoroughly understanding your specific business requirements and your expectations from the digital marketing initiatives. With this understanding, we develop the key performance indicators and the time frame in which we will deliver the results. All the technicalities are well explained to you in an easy to understand manner. All the required tasks for the campaigns are also defined to give you a better idea of the present status of your website. Then, we further elaborate on how we will go about achieving your stated objectives. Then once a common goal is set, we begin with our SEO strategy.

With Google handling an unlimited number of searches every year, 21 Webs ensure that the SEO efforts are specifically aimed at your target audience. We work to craft strategies that can make your brand stand out and gets highly targeted traffic. We well understand what our users want and what does the client expects from us.

For reporting to our clients, we have a variety of ways. However, we develop a format of reporting that makes it easy for you to understand and track the initiatives and the outcomes. SEO remains a long term investment, and we deliver insights to you, ranging from organic traffic to keyword ranking performance.

Unlike other SEO agencies that believe in complex reporting mechanism that causes more confusion for the clients, we believe in delivering simplicity, value, and results through our reporting.

We integrate Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEM Rush, Google My Business, and other similar helpful platforms for this. These data-driven reports are authentic and provide a clear understanding of the performance.

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